Data as of 11.06.2024 10:27
Party or independent candidate | Candidate's name | Votes |
Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond | MARINA KALJURAND | 45,626 |
Eesti Reformierakond | URMAS PAET | 35,577 |
ISAMAA Erakond | JÜRI RATAS | 33,612 |
Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond | JAAK MADISON | 32,845 |
Eesti Keskerakond | MIHHAIL KÕLVART | 27,565 |
ISAMAA Erakond | RIHO TERRAS | 23,917 |
Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond | SVEN MIKSER | 9,998 |
Party or independent candidate | Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond |
Votes | 45,626 |
Party or independent candidate | Eesti Reformierakond |
Votes | 35,577 |
Party or independent candidate | ISAMAA Erakond |
Votes | 33,612 |
Party or independent candidate | Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond |
Votes | 32,845 |
Party or independent candidate | Eesti Keskerakond |
Votes | 27,565 |
Party or independent candidate | ISAMAA Erakond |
Votes | 23,917 |
Party or independent candidate | Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond |
Votes | 9,998 |
Party or independent candidate | Votes | Percentage of votes | Mandates |
ISAMAA Erakond | 79,165 |
21.5% 10.3% |
2 (+1) |
Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond | 71,171 |
19.3% 23.3% |
2 (+0) |
Eesti Reformierakond | 66,014 |
17.9% 26.2% |
1 (-1) |
Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond | 54,580 |
14.8% 12.7% |
1 (+0) |
Eesti Keskerakond | 45,758 |
12.4% 14.4% |
1 (+0) |
Erakond Parempoolsed | 25,186 |
6.8% |
0 |
KOOS organisatsioon osutab suveräänsusele | 11,503 |
3.1% |
0 |
Erakond Eesti 200 | 9,587 |
2.6% 3.2% |
0 (+0) |
Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised | 2,248 |
0.6% 1.8% |
0 (+0) |
TANEL TALVE | 1,182 |
0.3% |
0 |
0.3% |
0 |
0.1% |
0 |
<0.1% |
0 |
ANDRES INN | 111 |
<0.1% |
0 |
Election results in 2019
Votes | 79,165 |
Percentage of votes |
21.5% 10.3% |
Mandates | 2(+1) |
Votes | 71,171 |
Percentage of votes |
19.3% 23.3% |
Mandates | 2(+0) |
Votes | 66,014 |
Percentage of votes |
17.9% 26.2% |
Mandates | 1(-1) |
Votes | 54,580 |
Percentage of votes |
14.8% 12.7% |
Mandates | 1(+0) |
Votes | 45,758 |
Percentage of votes |
12.4% 14.4% |
Mandates | 1(+0) |
Votes | 25,186 |
Percentage of votes |
6.8% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 11,503 |
Percentage of votes |
3.1% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 9,587 |
Percentage of votes |
2.6% 3.2% |
Mandates | 0(+0) |
Votes | 2,248 |
Percentage of votes |
0.6% 1.8% |
Mandates | 0(+0) |
Votes | 1,182 |
Percentage of votes |
0.3% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 989 |
Percentage of votes |
0.3% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 368 |
Percentage of votes |
0.1% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 113 |
Percentage of votes |
<0.1% |
Mandates | 0 |
Votes | 111 |
Percentage of votes |
<0.1% |
Mandates | 0 |
Election results in 2019